Training and skills that are effective, safe and prompt

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First Aid and safety training courses

ESP are your local first aid training provider, offering courses from First Aid at Work, Paediatric First Aid, Sports First Aid, work safety, Aunnual Refreshers and many more.

First Aid at Work (FAW)

Cost: £1080.00+VAT per course (up to 12 candidates)

This course comprehensively covers the practical skills needed by first aiders in most workplaces. Delivered at Level 3, this course meets the standards required by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This course covers first aid protocols for adult casualties.

Content: Role of the first aider; communication and casualty care; allergic reaction; asthma; bleeding; burns and scalds; chest pains; choking; defibrillation; electrocution; eye injuries; extremes of temperature, fainting; fractures and dislocations; head injuries; low blood sugar; poisoning; resuscitation; seizures; shock; strains and sprains; spinal injuries; stroke; unresponsive casualty.

Duration: 3 days (18 hours plus breaks)

Resources: Course book and notepaper

Assessment: Practical and continuous

Certification: Successful candidates will receive an ESP certificate or photocard valid for three years.

Annual First Aid Refresher. The HSE recommends that all first aiders attend annual refresher training to remain current and competent.

IOSH Working Safely

Cost: £120.00+VAT per candidate

This course is for all employees. It meets the government’s guidelines for introductory health and safety training and conforms to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Passport Scheme syllabus.

Employees play an essential role in ensuring risks are reduced and managed within your business. The IOSH Working Safely course teaches employees about their responsibilities and best practice for maintaining a safe working environment.

Content: Introducing working safely; defining hazard and risk; identifying common hazards; and improving safety performance.

Duration: 7 hours (plus breaks)

Resources: Course book

Assessment: Multiple choice questionnaire

Certification: IOSH Certificate valid for three years

Moving and Handling Principles and Practice

Cost: £360.00+VAT per course (up to 12 candidates).

Injuries related to moving and positioning activities are the biggest cause of time off work in the UK. This course combines both theoretical and hands-on elements, teaching candidates safe techniques to lift, carry, push and pull within their individual capabilities. It ensures that employees understand their rights and responsibilities under the law; how to correctly assess a task; and the benefits of good posture and correct technique when undertaking moving and handling.

In the second part, this course builds on the knowledge gained developing practical skills and techniques for the safe use of the range handling aids used by the candidate in their work role.

Content: Anatomy and function of the spine; defining moving and handling; ergonomics; legislation and guidance; risk factors; risk assessment (TILE); safer moving and handling and team handling. Practical – as required by workplace.

Duration: 7 hours (plus breaks)

Resources: Course book and notepaper provided

Assessment: Written and practical

Certification: Certificate valid for three years

Moving and Handling Principles

Cost: £360.00+VAT per course (up to 12 candidates).

Injuries related to moving and positioning activities are the biggest cause of time off work in the UK. This course ensures that employees understand their rights and responsibilities under the law; how to correctly assess a task; and the benefits of good posture and correct technique when undertaking moving and handling.

Content: Anatomy and function of the spine; defining moving and handling; ergonomics; legislation and guidance; risk factors; risk assessment (TILE); safer moving and handling and team handling. 

Duration: 3 1/2 hours

Resources: Course book and notepaper provided

Assessment: Written

Certification: Certificate valid for three years

Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW)

Cost: £360.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

This course covers the essential lifesaving skills needed by first aiders in most workplaces. Delivered at Level 2, this course meets the standards required by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This course covers first aid protocols for adult casualties.

Course content: The role of the first aider, communication and casualty care, bleeding, burns, choking, defibrillation (introduction), electrocution, fainting, resuscitation, seizures, shock, unresponsive casualty

Resources: Course book and notepaper provided

Assessment: Practical, continuous.

Certification: Successful candidates will receive and ESP certificate or photocard valid for three years

Annual Refresher

Cost: £240.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

Employers are legally required to ensure their first aiders are competent and maintain their skills throughout the three years in which their certificates are valid. This three hour course provides first aiders with the opportunity to practise and update their skills at any time while their first aid certificate is valid.

This course does not renew first aid certificates or extend the validity period.

Defibrillator/Heart Restarter

Cost: £360.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

The chance of survival after a heart attack is improved by over 60% when a defibrillator is used. For each minute that passes, the casualty’s chance of survival falls by 10%. Defibrillators are very simple to operate, and no previous first aid training is required. It is important that everyone has the confidence to use a defibrillator in an emergency, not just the trained first aiders.

Content: Communication and casualty care; chest pains; getting to know defibrillator (any type); operating the defibrillator; primary survey; resuscitation; and treatment of an unresponsive casualty.

Resource: Course book, workbook and notepaper.

Assessment: Practical, continuous.

Certification: Successful candidates will receive an ESP certificate, valid for three years.

Paediatric First Aid (PFA)

Cost: £600.00+VAT per course (up to 12 candidates).

This course focuses on the emergency scenarios that face professionals looking after young children and infants, including teachers, playgroup leaders, childcare providers, nannies and childminders. Delivered at Level 3, this course meets the standards laid down by OFSTED, the National Childminding Association (NCMA) and the Professional Association for Childminders and Early Years (PACEY). A great course for new or prospective parents!

Content: Role of the first aider; communication and casualty care, allergic reactions; asthma; bleeding; burns; childhood conditions; choking (all ages); electrocution; eye injuries; extremes of temperature;  fainting; foreign objects; head injuries; low blood sugar; meningitis and sickle cell; poisoning, bites and stings; resuscitation (all ages); seizures; shock; strains and sprains; spinal injuries; and treatment of an unresponsive casualty.

Duration: 2 days (12 hours plus breaks)

Resource: Course book and notepaper.

Assessment: Practical, continuous.

Certification: Successful candidates will receive an ESP certificate or photocard valid for three years.

Emergency Paediatric First Aid (EPFA)

Cost: £300.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

This new course, covering emergency first aid procedures, is for people working with and caring for infants and young children. It is the minimum qualification needed by all newly qualified early years staff before they can be included in the required adult to child ratios in an early years setting. Delivered at Level 2, it does not replace the full two-day Paediatric first aid course. A great course for new or prospective parents!

Content: Role of the first aider; bleeding; choking (child and infant); communication and casualty care; defibrillation (introduction); resuscitation (child and infant); seizures; shock; treatment of an unresponsive casualty.

Duration: 1 day (6 hours plus breaks)

Resource: Course book and notepaper.

Assessment: Practical, continuous.

Certification: Successful candidates will receive an ESP certificate or photocard valid for three years.

Emergency First Aid for Schools

Cost: £360.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

This new one day (6 1/2 hour) course covers the practical skills needed by first aiders working in schools and youth groups. Based on the emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) syllabus, it meets the standards required by the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations.

Content: Role of the first aider; allergic reaction; asthma; bites and stings; bleeding; bone, muscle and joint injuries; burns and scalds; chest pains; choking (adult and child); communication and casualty case; diabetes; fainting; head injuries; introduction to defibrillation; minor injuries; poisons; primary survey; resuscitation (adult and child); seizures; sepsis; shock; stroke; unresponsive casualty.

Resource: Course book, workbook and notepaper.

Assessment: Practical, continuous.

Certification: Successful candidates will receive an ESP certificate, valid for three years.

Sports First Aid

Cost: £360.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

This course focuses on the first aid skills necessary to deal with a wide range of sporting incidents. It can be tailored to meet the needs of specific sports and age groups as required.

Content: Role of the sports first aider; communication and casualty care; managing an emergency; bleeding; chest pains; defibrillation (introduction); Extremes of heat and cold; fractures and dislocations; resuscitation; shock; strains and sprains; treatment of an unresponsive casualty.

Duration: 1 day (6 hours plus breaks)

Resource: Course book and notepaper.

Assessment: Practical, continuous.

Certification: Successful candidates will receive an ESP certificate or photocard valid for three years.

Resuscitation for Dental Care Practitioners

Cost: £360.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

This half day (4 hour) course is mandatory for all dental care professionals and forms an essential part of their annual Continuous Professional Development (CPD). The course is suitable for all surgery staff.

Content: Role of the dental professional in an emergency; chest pains; choking (all ages); communication and casualty are; defibrillation; fainting; hyperventilation; primary survey; resuscitation (all ages); seizures; treatment of an unresponsive casualty; use of airway adjuncts (if requested); use of medications (adrenaline, aspirin, GTN, midazolam, oxygen, salbutamol).

Resource: Course book, workbook and notepaper.

Assessment: Practical, continuous.

Certification: Successful candidates will receive an ESP certificate, valid for one year.

Healthcare Workplace Resuscitation

Cost: £240.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

All healthcare professionals are expected to be proficient in CPR and all non-professionals should be. Those with a duty to respond to paediatric emergencies must be trained in the specific protocols for children and infants. This short 2 hour course is essential.

Content: Role of the healthcare professional in an emergency; communication and casualty care; defibrillation; primary survey; resuscitation (all ages); treatment of an unresponsive casualty.

Resource: Course book, workbook and notepaper.

Assessment: Practical, continuous.

Certification: Successful candidates will receive an ESP certificate, valid for one year.

Outdoor/Adventure First Aid

Cost: £720.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

This 2 day (16 hour) course underwritten by Rescue Emergency Care (REC). The course is delivered with an outdoor bias with all practical exercises taking place outside.

Content: Role of the first aider; allergic reaction; asthma; bites and stings (incl. snakes and ticks); bleeds; bone, muscle and joint injuries; burns and scalds; chest pains; choking; communication and casualty care; defibrillation; diabetes; eye injuries; fainting; head injuries; heat and cold; incident management; minor injuries; poisons; primary survey; resuscitation; seizures; shock; spinal injuries; stroke; treatment of an unresponsive casualty.

Resource: Course book, workbook and notepaper.

Assessment: Practical, continuous.

Certification: Successful candidates will receive a Rescue Emergency Care certificate, valid for three years.

Anaphylaxis First Aid

Cost: £360.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) can kill without immediate first aid. The UK is one of the three countries in the world with the highest incidence of allergies. An estimated 21 million adults suffer from at least one allergy and 6-8% of children have a food allergy.

This course, approved by Allergy UK, is for anyone who needs to know how and when to use an auto-injector in the treatment of anaphylaxis.

Content: Communication and casualty care; allergic reactions; auto-injectors; primary survey; resuscitation (all ages); treatment of an unresponsive casualty.

Resource: Aide memoire and notepaper provided

Assessment: Continuous and practical

Certification: Successful candidates will receive an ESP certificate, valid for three years.

Young First Aider

Cost: £300.00+VAT per course (up to 12 people)

A specially adapted course of training with a range of resources suitable for 8 to 16 year olds. The course can be tailored to suit the time available. Certificates can be awarded for any/elements completed.

Content: Role of the first aider; bleeding; bone, muscle and joint injuries; chest pains; communication and casualty care; heat and cold; introduction to defibrillation; fainting; incident management; minor injuries; primary survey; resuscitation (adult & child); seizures; treatment of an unresponsive casualty.

Resource: Course book, workbook and notepaper.

Assessment: Practical, continuous.

Certification: Successful candidates will receive an ESP certificate, valid for three years.


“Rob is the only person I know who can make manual handling training interesting.”

Carer, Honiton 2017

I enjoyed everything – one of the best sessions I have done in years.

Nurse, Exeter – Moving and Positioning course

“Excellent examples, terrific background, great knowledge and engaging.”

Site Manager, London – IOSH Managing Safely course

“Very informative. Rob was very engaging and kept the class motivated”.

Animal Carer – Fire Marshal course

“The involvement and chance to practice so much. The topic is a serious one and you are so obviously very committed to improving skills”.

Scout Leader – REC Emergency First Aid course

“Rob is a lovely teacher with great knowledge and experience. He was passionate and approachable. It was a pleasure to learn from him”.

Safeguarding Adults, Care Agency Director, Norwich

“Rob is the only person I know who can make manual handling training interesting.”

Carer, Honiton 2017

I enjoyed everything – one of the best sessions I have done in years.

Nurse, Exeter – Moving and Positioning course

“Excellent examples, terrific background, great knowledge and engaging.”

Site Manager, London – IOSH Managing Safely course

“Very informative. Rob was very engaging and kept the class motivated”.

Animal Carer – Fire Marshal course

“Rob is a lovely teacher with great knowledge and experience. He was passionate and approachable. It was a pleasure to learn from him”.

Safeguarding Adults, Care Agency Director, Norwich

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M: 07861 250682
T. 01752 941034

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